Influencer brands: launch your own product line

Christina Peeters
Christina Peeters

Reading Time: 7 min.

Influencer brands own products

Developing their own product line offers influencers a great opportunity to expand their brand and monetise their social media reach. At the same time, influencer products are becoming increasingly popular. This hype is leading to more influencers or content creators wanting to develop their own product. A key aspect of this process is the sourcing and production of the products. In this article, we will look at the key steps and considerations in product development.

The product development process

1. market research and brainstorming

  • target group analysis: understand the needs and wishes of your community. Which products would interest them the most?

  • competitor analysis and trends: analyse other influencer brands and identify gaps in the market. Keep your finger on the pulse to develop innovative product ideas.

2. conceptualisation and design

  • product concept: clearly define what problem your product is intended to solve and what added value or unique selling proposition (USP) it offers. It is particularly important that the design and message of your product match the personal brand.

  • prototyping: create prototypes to test the design, materials and functions and obtain feedback.

3. procurement and production

Choosing the right partner for procurement or production is crucial to the success of your own brand.

  • finding suppliers and selecting materials: it is important to find trustworthy manufacturers that stand for quality and optimal production standards. Selecting the right materials and components is critical to product quality.

  • production management: effective management of production includes sourcing raw materials, monitoring manufacturing processes and ensuring compliance with quality standards. An important factor is a suitable production strategy for efficient manufacturing.

  • quality control: strict controls are crucial to ensure that the product meets all expectations. Modern test reports and quality management practices, such as Acceptable Quality, can be used for this purpose.

  • flexibility and scalability: flexible production solutions allow production to be adapted to changing needs.

  • material procurement: selecting the best materials and components will determine the quality of your products. Read here which factors play an important role.

A partner such as Line Up can provide valuable support in the search for suitable suppliers and in production management.

4. logistics

An efficient and reliable logistics process is essential for the timely delivery of products.

  • logistics and shipping: a smooth process, including storage, shipping and returns, is crucial for customer satisfaction. A well-planned logistics strategy can also help to optimise costs and increase efficiency throughout the supply chain. Digital tools such as the digital supply chain dashboard make it possible to monitor and control all logistics processes in real time.

The expertise of companies such as Line Up in procurement and logistics helps to make these processes efficient.

5. branding and marketing

  • brand strategy: develop a strong brand strategy that communicates the values and uniqueness of your product.

  • marketing plan: use your social media channels and other platforms to promote your product. Plan campaigns, collaborations and other advertising measures.

  • content creation: create unique content such as teaser videos, product demos and testimonials to market products. Content creation plays a crucial role in supporting the marketing of products.

6. distribution and sales

sales channels: choose the appropriate channels, your own online shop, marketplaces or stationary retailers.

pricing: set a competitive price that takes into account both your production costs and your target group's willingness to pay.

7. customer service and feedback

customer support: offer excellent customer service to resolve questions and problems quickly. Community management on social media is key here.

utilise feedback: gather feedback from the community to make continuous improvements to your product and plan future product developments.

Influencer working

Advantages of influencer own brands

Influencer brands offer numerous advantages over traditional corporate brands. Influencers have a strong, authentic connection to their target group based on trust and engagement. The main advantages are for example:

authenticity and trust: influencers have already built up a loyal community that trusts them. Products that are recommended or developed by influencers therefore enjoy a high level of credibility from the outset. Their marketing campaigns appear very authentic as they convey and reflect their own values.

direct access to the target group: influencers know the preferences and needs of their followers inside out and can develop products that are perfectly tailored to their target group. As they are in constant interaction with their community, they can react very quickly to feedback and make adjustments.

effective marketing: influencers brands can use their reach on social media to market their products in a cost-efficient and targeted manner. Influencers' strong ties to their own community often lead to a high level of loyalty and repeat purchases.

Five successful german influencer brands

Influencer brand - Pesoclo by Justin (Jstin): Jstin, is a German influencer and YouTuber who has become known primarily for his entertainment videos and vlogs. He founded his own fashion label Peso a few years ago. With his fashion line Pesoclo, Justin has triggered a real hype, which has been reinforced by limited collections and exclusive drops. This regularly leads to products selling out within a few hours of being released. Justin uses his wide reach on social media to showcase his collections and sell directly to his followers, creating a close connection with his community.

Influencer brand - Haus of Hart by Sarah Hartmann: The well-known German influencer and lifestyle blogger has founded Haus of Hart, a brand in the lifestyle and furniture sector. This brand is known for its stylish and functional pieces of furniture that combine modern design with comfort. Sarah inspires her community to design their living spaces in a personal and unique way and offers the right products for this with Haus of Hart. The brand is very popular with people who value style and quality and want to make their living spaces an expression of their personality.

Influencer brand - Vitavate by Elias Nerlich and others: Elias Nerlich, known as EliasN97, has launched Vitavate, a brand of nutritional supplements. A particular highlight of the brand is the vitamin water, which has been specially developed for fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers. Elias uses his platform to explain the benefits of his products and promote awareness of a healthy lifestyle. Influencer drinks are generally very popular.

Influencer brand - LeGer by Lena Gercke: The former "Germany's next Topmodel" winner is one of Germany's best-known influencers. In addition to her own homeware brand, Lena has established a successful fashion brand that was developed in collaboration with an experienced design team. Her brand is particularly popular with the young, fashion-conscious target group. In addition to her online shop, she offers her collections in many German fashion stores, which increases accessibility and exclusivity. LeGer attaches particular importance to the use of high-quality materials and careful workmanship. Coupled with the influencer's personal style, this makes for a strong USP.

Influencer brand - bilou by Bibi's Beauty Palace: Bianca "Bibi" Heinicke, known for her YouTube channel Bibi's Beauty Palace, has developed a successful line of shower foams and skincare products with her brand bilou. The influencer has founded her brand in co-creation with an experienced managing director. When developing new products, co-creation with experienced partners or experts can promote the innovation process and ensure that the products meet the expectations of the target group. Bibi's products are available in almost every German drugstore and are very popular, especially with younger consumers. The brand is known for its diverse fragrances and high-quality ingredients.

The path from the idea to selling a product requires careful planning and implementation. Influencers or creators who want to build their own brand or realise a product idea should take a strategic approach. It is also important to think through every step thoroughly. With a strong partner like Line Up, influencers can ensure that product sourcing and production run smoothly. With the right approach, they can successfully expand their brand and ensure long-term success.

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